Bass fishing in lakes and dams is common around South Africa although this fish is not indigenous to the country and has originally been imported from America. The two principal species that are found here are small-mouth and large-mouth. The large-mouth black bass is a predatory fish weighing up to about 5 kgs. It inhabits lakes and dams preferring the parts where weed beds, sunken logs and bull-rushes give it ample opportunity to lie in wait and ambush its pray which consists of fish, frogs and other aquatic creatures. The majority of these types of fish spend their time feeding in shallower, warmer parts of the water and are very active during the early morning or late evenings when they commonly feed.
There are different methods of bass fishing in lakes and dams around SA and plugs, spoons, flies and other types of lures as well as natural baits work the best. One of the most exciting ways to catch these fish is with a surface lure as they take it with a rush that often carries them completely out of the water. The small-mouth bass can be identified from the large-mouth by the fact that its mouth does not extend beyond the rear edge of its eye. It has a more streamlined build and does not grow more than 2.5 kgs in weight. They prefer cooler water than the large-mouth and clear, slow flowing rivers but otherwise their breeding and feeding habits differ little from that of its heavier relatives.
No matter what kind of lure is used by the fisherman or woman the most successful way to entice these fish to bite is by fishing it as slowly and erratically as possible. Although the black bass is generally referred to as a game fish some feel that this is solely attributed to the fact that it takes artificial lures. For apart from jumping repeatedly out of the water and shaking its head vigorously it cannot be regarded as a strong fighter when compared to such inigenous species as yellowfish and tiger. Take a trip to the local tackle shop and ask to see a range of the types of lures and baits used for bass fishing in lakes and dams around Southern Africa before you head out.